One Community United is Working to ensure that in our local universe every eligible voter is able to vote easily and freely without duress in the upcoming election. We are Working to ensure voters know how, when, and where to vote. Listed below is everything you need to vote in our upcoming 2022 elections.
Make a Personal Voting Plan:
Commit to voting during the first week of early voting.
Decide what day you are going to vote.
Decide what time you are going to vote.
Decide whom you are going to take with you to vote.
*Are there ​three friends/family that you can help build a plan to vote/travel together to vote?*
Important Voter Dates:
Earliest day for a registrar to mail an absentee ballot: 09/21/2024
Registration Deadline: 10/07/2024
Last day to submit absentee ballot application: 10/25/2024
Early In-Person Voting Begins: 10/15/2024
Last day to submit absentee ballot application: 10/25/2024
Election Day & Name: 11/05/2024 - NOVEMBER 5, 2024 - GENERAL ELECTION
Advanced (In-Person) Voting
Tuesday, October 15 through Friday, November 1
7:30AM to 5:30PM
THREE Locations: Elections Office, Anthony Recreation Center, Thorton Recreation Center
Saturday, October 19 from 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Saturday, October 26 from 9:00AM to 5:00PM
SUNDAY VOTING - Elections Office ONLY
Sunday, October 27 from 1:00PM to 5:00PM
Tuesday, November 5 from 7:00AM to 7:00PM
Locations for Early Voting:
Floyd County Elections Center - 18 E. 12th St., Rome
Anthony Recreation Center - 2901 Garden Lakes Blvd. NW, Rome (WEEKDAYS ONLY)
Thornton Recreation Center - 102 N. Floyd Park Rd., Rome (WEEKDAYS ONLY)
When voting in person, bring any of the following seven forms of identification:
1. Any valid state or federal government-issued photo ID, including a free ID card issued by your county registrar's office or the Georgia Department of Driver Services.
2. A Georgia driver's license, even if expired.
3. Student ID from a Georgia public College or University.
4. Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the U.S. Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state
5. Valid U.S. passport ID.
6. Valid U.S. military photo ID containing a photograph of the voter.
7. Valid tribal photo ID containing a photograph of the voter.
Absentee by Mail Voting
An elector may cast an absentee by mail ballot in person at the registrar's office Monday through Friday, 21 days immediately preceding the date of the primary, election, run-off primary or run-off election, or special election without having to provide a reason. A voter will be required to fill out an application for casting an in-person absentee ballot located here.
Applications for Georgia Official Absentee Ballot can be submitted online here.
By Mail:
An elector may request an absentee ballot by mail and will not be required to provide a reason for requesting the absentee ballot. The application may be used for Democratic, Non-Partisan, and Republican primary/run-off elections.
If you are unable to print out the Application For Official Absentee Ballot, you may also fill out the online form to request that an Application For Official Absentee Ballot be mailed to you. Again, the following link is to be used only for requesting to have an application for an absentee ballot to be mailed to you, NOT the actual ballot.
Your Mailed-In Application For Official Absentee Ballot may be sent to:
Floyd County Elections & Registration
18 East 12th Street
Rome, GA 30161​​
Poll Locations:
When voting on Election Day each voter must vote at the polling place designated for the precinct in which the voter lives. The precinct name, address, and location of the designated polling place is located on the voter’s precinct card.
Check Here: https://www.floydcountyga.gov/elections/page/poll-locations
Track your ballot: georgia.ballottrax.net
** Check your registration (make sure it is up to date) - mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/ **